
Meaning behind the date June 5

It is interesting to check out the meaning behind a Birth date. Just for fun. You can check out your own under the following website if you have interests

Birthday on June 5
You Are a Revolutionary .You have many talents, and you are
great at sharing those talents with others. Most people would be
jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to
elicit jealousy.
Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge
ideas.Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding
new challenges.

Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower
Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom
Your power color: Tangerine
Your power symbol: Ace
Your power month: May


Meaning of being born on day 5 of the month
Your Life, Although you are on the quiet side, but you
enjoy excitement and changes. Routine is something you
cannot stand. Because of your extreme confidence, you
hardly ask others for opinion. You believe in leading
your own life, and you have got the gift in doing so.
Your Love, Nothing can stop you from making progress
in your love life. Once you are in love, you feel the
ownership of your lover. A third party can only makes
your jealousy becomes worse.


With a birthday on the 5th of the month
you are inclined to work well with people
and enjoy them. You are talented and versatile,
very good at presenting ideas. You may have a
tendency to get itchy feet at times and need
change and travel. You tend to be very progressive,
imaginative and adaptable. Your mind is quick, clever
and analytical. A restlessness in your nature may make
you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine.
You may have a tendency to shirk responsibility.


Birthday and its corresponding tree
Jun 04 to Jun 13 Hornbeam Tree
HORNBEAM TREE (the Good Taste) - of cool beauty, cares
for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life
as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life,
looks for kindness and acknowledgement in an emotional partner,
dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with its feelings,
mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very conscientious.


Purple Rose                                                                   Dog Rose

Meaning of the June Birth Flower:                                  
The Rose are passionate love and beauty
Purple roses mean protection and maternal or paternal love.
Dog Rose…Pleasure Mixed with Pain



June Birthstone: The Pearl  Poem
"By her who is this month was born
No gem save Pearls shall be worn
They will ensure her constancy
True friendship and fidelity."
The properties with which the Pearl, the birthstone of the Zodiac
sign of Gemini, is associated are as follows:
Loyalty, faithfulness and friendship
Modesty, chastity and purity
The Pearl is also used to enhance personal integrity

Characteristics of Gemini - May 21 - June 20
Inquisitive, Clever, Adaptable, Lively & Communicative


2 則留言:

  1. well, any clues here?
    hope i'll be right if i say--
    happy birthday to you, pearl

    blessings from chi

  2. Chi,

    You are so smart! Thank you very much!
    But I do not posses all the traits mentioned above.
